About I’ll Fly Away Balloon Adventures:
Hot Air Balloon Scenic Flights in In Central Oregon, Pilot Training, Aerial Advertising, Corporate Tethers, Photographic opportunities, visit our calendar for available dates
Now Serving Central and Western Oregon
2013 Scenic flights are now available in Central Oregon including Bend, Redmond, Prineville, and Madras. We also offer Scenic Flights in the Willamette Valley.
We offer Scenic Balloon Flights, Flight instruction, and special event tethers.
Military and first responders receive a discount with I’ll Fly Away Balloon Adventures. Please call or email us before booking your ride.
I’ll Fly Away Balloon Adventures specialize in hot air balloon scenic flights AND business advertising and promotion.
Serving Prineville and surrounding areas, we offer a unique way to advertise your business and can offer a specialized experience for your special occasion!
Open during balloon season -March thru October
Call for more details
For updates on when we are flying and what events we are attending, please check our Facebook page. We will also post pictures from various events as well as some of our flights on our Facebook page as well.
The home port for I’ll Fly Away Balloon Adventures is in Prineville, Oregon. We offer Scenic Flights, Corporate Tethers, Static Aerial Advertising, Aerial Photography and Flight Instruction. We serve Central and Western Oregon.
Military and first responders always receive a discount with I’ll Fly Away Balloon Adventures. Please contact us to discuss this with us.
Flights are $250.00 per person. There are discounts for additional people booked at the same time as the original purchase. Please note that flights can only be reserved through our website and not through a third party company.
All flights average 1 hour. This time frame can be longer or shorter depending on weather, available landing sites, and passenger compliance. Included in your flight is a commerative certificate, a brunch with sparkling cider or champangne, and a story of how ballooning began. For groups of more than 4, please contact us before booking the flight so we can arrange for an additional pilot and balloons to take your request.
Our Balloons
I'LL FLY AWAY :Our Flagship of our business a 54K or 54,000 cubic foot balloon. This is a one passenger balloon, we have flown her in numerous races, and competitions around the Pacific Northwest. We use this balloon for single passengers, school presentations, photography back drop for weddings or other events, aerial photos, and competitions. Contact us for a proposal quote for a balloon at your special event or school presentation
I'LL FLY AWAY TWO : Our second balloon a 90K or 90,000 cubic foot balloon. This is a larger balloon that can handle up to 4 passengers depending on the time of the year, temperature and total weight to be flown. We use this balloon for our ride business, corporate and event tethers, Weddings, Aerial Photography, and Aerial Advertising Banners attached to the side of the balloon with your business name on the banner. Contact us for a proposal quote to advertise your business in our flying areas.
Are you looking for the perfect gift for a birthday or anniversary? Get them a gift certificate for a hot air balloon scenic ride. The gift certificate can be used up to one year from purchase date. The person receiving the gift will have to call and schedule a date that is available for the ride. Gift certificates are non refundable and expire in one year from purchase date.
Schedule a Scenic Flight with us
Are you wanting to celebrate that special birthday, anniversary, or want to propose to your special someone? Or maybe you just want to fly in a hot air balloon. We have several packages available for your needs. To book a Scenic ride in a Hot Air Balloon, Start here by clicking on our Flight Packages Page, A new page for more information will come up. Check our calendar to see if the date that you would like to fly is available. Please use the form on the bottom of that page as well to communicate with us the date you are looking for a ride.
Our flying season begins to fill up very quickly for the summer flying season. There will be a $50.00 conditional refundable deposit per person required to reserve your date. When you add your package to our shopping cart prior to check out, make sure that you pay a $50.00 deposit per person.
Conditions for receiving your deposit back are:
1) Weather. If the Pilot determines that the weather is non flyable that date and you are unable to fly another date, because of being from out of the area, then we will refund your deposit. Flights will be rescheduled for local passengers depending on our calendar.
2) Weight. Safe balloon flight depends on the weather and the weight of the passengers. If the Pilot determines that the weight of the party is more than our safety limit, we will first try to schedule a second balloon to take the extra passengers, if a second balloon is not available we will refund your deposit.
3) Life Happens, If your plans change, flights may be canceled up to one week prior to the reserved flight date with out a cancellation fee being applied. We will first attempt to reschedule your flight for a later date, and apply your deposit to the new date. If only after a new date can not be rescheduled, we will refund your deposit. We will try three times to reschedule your flight, before we issue a refund. If you have special requests, please fill out the special request section of our e-mail us form, we will do what we can to accommodate your needs.
CANCELLATION FEE: Any flight canceled by the Passengers within one week of the scheduled flight, will be subject to a $100.00 cancellation fee per person
Please note: If your deposit is paid by a Credit Card, and the ride is cancelled, and a refund is requested, a Credit Card Transaction fee of $75.00 will be deducted from your total refund due,before the refund is applied to your credit card.
Any flight canceled by the Passengers within one week of the scheduled flight, will be subject to a $100.00 cancellation fee per person.
Flights canceled by the passenger within 48 hours of the flight will not receive a refund of the deposit.
Note- We fly seven days a week, however Weekends are our busy times and fill up very quickly.
Please read our Passenger Release Form and agree to the terms of the form. By booking a flight with us, you have agreed that you have read, understand and agree to the terms of the release form. You will be required to fill one out before flight. The best way is download the form, print and sign the form, and bring it with you on the day of your flight. Failure to have the form signed will result in no flight.
We have several packages to offer. Rates are subject to change. Please note that our balloon handles 3 passengers comfortably. The Romance Package guarantees that you and your special someone will be the only passengers in the basket. If you purchase package number 1 you will be sharing the ride with others. It is a good possibility that packages1, 2 or 3 that you will share the ride with others. Please see our packages page for details on each package and to reserve your flight.
This section will be dedicated to the safe operations for the ground crew.
We have just a couple of rules for our balloon as far as ground crew
1) Don't be afraid to ask questions. Both the pilot and crew chief are excellent teachers and do not mind answering questions. If you ask a question and do not get a response, it could be we didn't hear you. Setting up a balloon at a rally has many balloons trying to inflate all at the same time. The crew chief will instruct all new crew members on the operations before we assemble the balloon. Also, he will be walking around the balloon during inflation to make sure you are positioned correctly and to answer last minute questions.
2)Only take direction from either the pilot or crew chief. We have certain ways we like to do things. All systems are different so do not assume that all pilots are the same in what they want.
3) No SMOKING on the field. Hot air balloons are powered by propane. Before inflation, almost all balloons will test the burners and may release propane into the air waiting for a spark to ignite it.
4) Always wear your gloves while handling the balloon and also only handle the balloon by the load tapes. Rings and sharp finger nails can cause a rip in the balloon. Wearing your gloves prevents this from happening. Only pulling the balloon by the load tapes also prevents rips and tears.
5) Never step on or over the balloon. For the same reason as wearing your gloves, shoes can also be deadly to the balloon. The reason we do not step over the balloon is if you lose your balance you are going to land on the balloon. It only takes a few more seconds to walk AROUND the balloon.
6) Do not be afraid to ask for help when lifting parts of the system. The envelope and basket weigh several hundred pounds and are very awkard to lift. Do not try to be a super hero and lift these by yourself. Again. it only takes a few extra seconds to do it safely.
7) The final rule is very crucial to the safe operation of the balloon- HAVE FUN!!!
I am ready to head to the launch site what should I think about wearing?
1) Dress in layers. It can be cold in the morning but after some activity and the sun starts to warm up it can get very warm. Do not wear nylon. Cotton is very good for ballooning.
2) Long pants- Wear jeans or other long pants. Wearing pajama bottoms is not recommended as the loose fitting clothing could get caught in something.
3) hiking boots or regular boots. The balloon launches early in the morning. Often the dew point and temperture are close so that means the field can be a little damp. Also, most landing sites are not paved parking lots but bumpy fields. It is best to have protection for you feet so you do not break your ankle.
4) Gloves. Gloves are a vital part ballooning. You will need them for the setup and take down of the balloon.
5) No extrememly loose clothing. Loose clothing can get caught during set up or take down of the balloon and cause damgae not only to your clothes but also to the equipment. Long hair should be tied back for the same reason.
6) Other items you may want. Sunglasses, and backpack. The backpack is so that as you take off your layers you have a place to keep your stuff.
Assembling the Balloon
This section of the crew manual will focus on unloading the balloon from the trailer and getting it assembled for launch.
When you arrive at the launch field, the pilot and crew chief will be there beginning to survey the site. They are looking over the field to make sure there are no sharp objects on the field and any garbage left from previous persons is picked up.
After the site has been looked over we will begin to unload the balloon. The first thing that will come out will be 3 canvas tarps. These tarps protect the basket and keep the balloon dry while we are connecting it to the basket.
The envelope tub will come out next. We use a blue tub that has four wheels on it for easy transport of the envelope. This will be positioned at the end of the last tarp with the contents still in the tub. The pilot and crew chief will connect the envelope to the basket.
The fan is removed next. Please use care with this equipment as it contains gas and oil and if tipped over will cause damage. Check the level of the gas and if needed add gas. There will be a gas container in a red basket for this.
Now comes the basket and uprights. It is best if 3-4 people unload the basket as it is both heavy and awkard. The basket will be placed at the front of the first tarp. The pilot and crew will install the uprights. On our balloon, there are white tape marks to indicate which holes to use.
With the uprights connected to the basket, the pilot or crew chief will attach the propane lines and do a test burn. This test burn not only checks the burner for proper operation but also checks the connection so there are no leaks present.
After the test burn, the basket will be tipped on its side to begin the connection of the envelope. At this point, the fan should be at the left side of the basket near the uprights. The pilot or crew chief will begin connecting the cables to the basket. Also, during this point the crew chief will begin to instruct each crew member of the safe way to operate the cables. He will also instruct you where to place your feet and show you the best way to hold the cables during inflation. On our balloon, at the mouth, there is a rope. It is very important that this rope not be let go until directed by the pilot.
After all connections have been made, the crew instructed and questions answerwed, the pilot will return from the pilot briefing and begin inflation
The Launch
At this time, the balloon is inflated and completely vertical, still connected to the tie-off rope, with most of the crew providing weight on the basket. The pilot will load passengers and then begin to heat the balloon to reach buoyancy. The pilot will call for "weight on!", meaning for all crew to place their full weight on the basket keeping one foot on the ground at all times. Once flight temperature is near, the pilot will call for "hands on!", meaning to take most of your weight off the basket keeping your hands on the basket in case weight is needed again quickly. This process make take several cycles.
When ready for launch, the pilot will release the tie-off rope. Be sure to be cautious as the rope may spring back toward the chase vehicle. The pilot will ask you to walk the balloon out as he ascends. "Light hands on" is all that is required at this time. Once released, be sure to wave at the pilot and passengers.
The Chase
Once the pilot has left the ground, the Crew Chief will direct the ground portion of the flight. Load the fan making sure it is properly tied off both the top and in floor tie downs will be used, tie-off ropes, and any other items left in the launch field. Be sure to scan the launch area for anything left (garbage, hats, small children). Secure items in the chase vehicle as directed by the Crew Chief. Load up the crew and prepare to "chase" the balloon.
The "chase" crew is incorrectly named. The "Lead" crew is more appropriate as the pilot usually prefers the crew try to stay in front of the balloon. Some rules to follow in the "Chase" are:
* Follow standard driving rules
* Don't wreck the chase vehicle
* Balloons are pretty to watch, but make sure someone is paying attention to driving. At all times for I'll Fly Away Balloon team, The driver drives and the navigator spots the balloon.
* Stay on the roads, but don't block them
* Don't drive on property without permission
* Don't let spectators follow you onto private property
* Use the radio sparingly - the pilot may be busy
* Use the radio correctly. When you are calling the pilot the correct way is to say "I'll Fly Away Chase to I'll Fly Away Balloon." The pilot when he call down to the chase crew will say "I'll Fly Away Balloon to I'll Fly Away Chase."
When you respond from the pilot, say "Go Ahead I'll Fly Away Balloon, this is Chase."
*Be respectful on the radio. Other crews use the same frequency as we do and we do not want to overuse the radios and not let other crews communicate with thier pilots.
* Do Not use foul langauge on the radio. These frequencies are not private channels and can be picked up by anybody.
* Try to stay ahead and look for landing sites. Look for access into the field. Is there a fence? Does the fence open? Are there no tresspassing signs present? Are there power lines in the field? These are questions you should be looking for so when the pilot states I am going to land in that field you can notify him of what is present and he can make his decision to land or to fly on.
* The pilot can land without you, so don't panic.
* Don't get in front of a landing basket. A balloon and basket, when inflated, can weigh 3000-4000 pounds and you will get hurt if you get in front of the basket. When the pilot is landing, get behind the basket and keep your weight on the basket until directed it is ok to let go.
* Be patient and courteous at all times
* Try to get permission from landowners after the pilot indicates a landing is planned. I'll Fly Away Crew will get landowner permission for the pilot and will radio up to the pilot whether or not this is a good site.
* If the pilot indicates a "drop line" landing is planned, grab the line with your gloved hand and act as an anchor - don't pull down. Follow the instructions of the crew chief.He will direct the proper use of a drop line in the chase vehicle before one is to be used.
Landowners are as important to the operations of I'll Fly Away Balloon team as the crew is. Remember, even if you do not ever crew for another balloon again, good landowner relations is essential to the future of ballooning.
Balloons typically don't land just at airports. Landing and launches from private property are common and it is important to respect the property of others. In the ideal situation of landing on private property, the chase crew will have found and asked permission of the land owner prior to landing and will have reported this information by radio to the pilot. Very often this is not the case, since the pilot may have to make the landing before all this happens. Be extremely courteous and inform the landowner that your crew would like permission to land and recover the balloon. Assure them that you will exercise caution to protect their property and ask (if possible) if the recovery vehicle can drive to the balloon. If the balloon has landed in crops or is in an inaccessible area, the balloon system may need to be carried out. Be careful where you step as farmers count on their crops for their livelihood.
Most landowners don't mind having balloons land on their property, provided care was taken not to produce damage. In that regard, never drive onto private property without permission first. Also, be aware that on-lookers may want to follow you in. Only the recovery vehicle is needed. Keep everyone else out.
In a rare occasion when a landowner is upset about the landing, communicate this to the pilot discretely. The pilot may elect to fly on. If it is too late for that and you are faced with an upset landowner, do not argue with them. Indicate to the landowner that you will get the pilot and the pilot only will deal with the landowner. Remember that it is their land, and that you are trespassing!
Typically after the balloon is packed away and the landowners thanked, a celebration begins. Sparkling Cidar and soft drinks are served and shared with the landowners and crew to thank them for their help. New passengers are often inducted into the "Aeronaut" society. Tall stories are shared about previous flights and new stories are written of the recent adventure.
Other Helpful information not included in the manual
*What do I do if I lose contact with the pilot?
If you loose contact with the pilot, stay calm. Continue to drive in the direction that you last spotted him. It is possible that you will be able to spot him this way. If the pilot has radioed that he is landing or has landed and you still do not see him be patient. The pilot is very skilled and can land without you. It is always best before launch of the balloon that both the pilot and crew have each other cell numbers for such an instance. DO NOT call the pilot during flight as the pilot is busy flying the balloon. Only call after you confirm he has landed and you still do not see him and have lost radio contact with him.
*What channel do you use?
We regularly use channel 14 sub channel 1 while flying. During flight if that channel has a lot of traffic we will switch channels. Make sure you know how to switch the channel before liftoff.
*What if someone asks for a ride in the balloon?
You, as crew, are not allowed to make decisions as to the ability to take passengers in the balloon. If one asks, tell them politely that you do not have the answer and if they are curious to follow behind you and wait until the balloon has landed and pack up has begun. The person can then ask the pilot this information.
*What to do in an emergency?
Although we never expect an emergency to arise, it is necessary to know what to do. In the event of emergency such as power line strike, KEEP EVERYONE AWAY FROM THE BALLOON. This includes police until the power company has confirmed the power is shut off. Power companies will keep sending voltages onto the line until the problem is cleared. The reason for doing this is 99.9 percent of the time the problem causing a power outage is a tree branch. The more voltage applied will finally blow the branch off the line and power can resume. When you call rescue personnel, notify them you are crew for a hot air balloon. Tell them your location and have them contact the power company. After making the call, determine if the road is safe for all traffic. If not position your vehicle so no one can get through. Set out flares and have flaggers assisting with traffic. The media may arrive. DO NOT talk with the media about the incident. Let only the pilot or crew chief take care of this. Both are trained in media relations.
We are very excited that you have chosen I'll Fly Away Balloon Adventures for your hot air balloon ride. Please be sure to check out the links under the Rider Information to answer any questions you may have. We tried to answer most of the questions that we get about rides. You can always contact us for more information regarding rides and we will try to tell you more when we contact you about your ride. We look forward to meeting with you and making this an adventure you will not forget and one that you will cherish as being special.
I am scheduled to fly with you, what do I need to know?
Please plan on arriving by 5:30 am for a 6:00 am launch. This gives both the pilot and crew chief a chance to explain what is going on, to answer any questions and gives you the chance to see the operations of our balloon.
What do I need to wear?
Jeans and a sweatshirt or t-shirt are just fine. Also, a good pair of boots are as the fields can be uneven. Please remember that while in flight, it can be a little colder than on the ground so be prepared for that. Also, dress in layers as it will warm up as the sun rises. DO NOT WEAR NYLON CLOTHING. Nylon will melt when it gets hot and will melt to your skin.
What should I bring?
All riders should dress in layers. Also bring an extra pair of shoes as the ground can be wet in the mornings. A camera with extra film if you shoot with film or extra media cards if you shoot digital. There are no stores in the air so you do not want to run out of pictures. Also, extra batteries might be good. If you are flying in a rally there can be about 35-40 other balloons in the air and you will be amazed how quickly you can fill up your memory cards.
If you are flying a private flight, there is a good chance that there will be 3-5 other balloons in the air. You will also want to take pictures of the scenery that you don't normally get to see.
Also, if you have them, a good pair of gloves. We have some if you don't have any or forget. Gloves protect your hands while handling the ropes of the balloon.
What should I expect?
Expect to have fun. Flying in a balloon is a great experience so come expecting to be a part of the whole operation. Most flights are anywhere between 40-60 minutes depending on weather conditions, locations of landing spots, and other factors. After pack up, we will bring you back to the launch field and have a small brunch. During this time, there will also be a story told of the history of ballooning.
Will I need to sign anything?
Before flight, both the event and our operations, require that all passengers sign a hold harmless agreement. Ballooning is one of the most safe forms of transportation, but we do live in a sue happy world so this protects everybody.
Please make sure to print and sign the passenger release before arriving on the launch field. You can download that to your computer by Clicking Here.
What if it is raining?
If it is raining, the pilot will contact you as to the plans for the date. Make sure that he has a good contact phone number for you so he can call you with a change of plans. Please note that rain or wind happens and this applies to the deposit refund if you choose not to fly with us on a different date.
How do I find you on the field?
We drive a white surburban with a white trailer. The trailer does have a picture of the balloon on the side and those pictures are located throughout this website. Also, if you get there early enough, you will be able to hear us coming onto the field. Our trademark is the William Tell Overture and that is played when we come onto the field, leave the field, and on departure of the event.
Can other people come and watch me take off in the balloon?
Other people can show up and watch you take off in the balloon. If they are going to follow you on the ground, they will need to drive another vehicle as we only have a limited amount of space for pilot, crew, and passengers. Please contact before the flight if you have any questions.
I still have questions about the ride, who can I contact?
You can contact us for more information. We are happy to answer any and all questions you may have regarding your flight. You can also check other sections of our website and chances are there will be information there.
Do you have an interest in piloting a balloon? Don't know how to get started? I'll Fly Away Balloon Adventures is certified through the FAA for flight instruction. We will make sure that you are fully equipped to pass either your private or commercial check ride or both. Your flight training through I'LL FLY AWAY BALLOON ADVENTURES will take you through ground and air training to become a Hot Air Balloon Pilot. Upon completion of your flight training and passing the FAA check ride, you will receive a certificate to pilot your own Hot Air Balloon.
Instruction FAQS
I have never flown a hot air balloon, what do I need to do?
You need to have an interest in flying a hot air balloon and the willingness to complete the training once started.
I do not own my own balloon, can I still receive training?
For a little bit more cost, we can provide the balloon. You will be responsible for finding your own crew to help you set up the balloon.
Do you have a checklist that we have to go over before flight?
Yes, there is a checklist that we will go over and before we will sign you off to take your test, we will verify that you are using your checklist correctly.
Besides Flight training, is there other training I must take to receive a license?
You must also attend ground school and pass a written exam.
How long will it take to get my license?
Private pilots must go through a minimum of 10 hours of training and at least 6 flights. Most people do not feel comfortable in this amount of time so they usually have between 15-20 hours before taking their test.
Do I actually get to fly the balloon during flight training or am I just observing how it is done?
You will be getting hands on experience as well as observing. Your instructor will show you something, then will let you practice it first hand. He will also make sure that you understand what is going on and why you are doing something.
Ballooning Q&A
How do you steer a balloon?
Balloons simply float with the wind. The pilot can control the balloon's altitude to find a wind going in the desired direction, but you cannot fly upwind or crosswind. Preflight planning insures the pilot knows which way the balloon will be traveling, and the pilot makes sure there are plenty of suitable landing sites downwind.
How long does it take to inflate and deflate the balloon?
A good ground crew can inflate and launch a balloon in fifteen minutes or less. It takes about the same amount of time to deflate and pack up the balloon after the flight.
Why don't balloons fly in the middle of the day?
Balloons fly early in the morning, right after sunrise and late in the day, right before sunset. This is when the wind is calmest since the sun is low in the sky.
Why is the angle of the sun important?
The sun is the source of wind, because it heats the earth unevenly. Sunlight falls directly on the equator, for example. The North Pole receives weaker, slanted rays of sunlight. Clouds may keep one area cool while another heats up. Water and land heat up at different rates. Hot air is lighter than cool air, so it rises. As hot air rises, cool air slides in to replace it. The result: wind. It isn't safe to fly during the daytime when different pockets of air are rising and falling.
Can balloons fly at night?
Yes, although balloonists seldom do because of decreased visibility and the requirement for instruments and lights. Most balloons are certified for day flying only.
How do you get back to where you started?
A chase crew follows along in a van or truck. The chase crew is in radio contact with the pilot, so they can be there when the balloon lands (or soon afterwards).
How much do balloons cost?
About the same as a car or boat. The most popular sport size balloons cost from $18,000 to $25,000 or more. Support equipment (radios, fan, extra tanks, tools, repair kit, etc.) adds from $2,000 to $ 5,000 more. You can also buy used balloons.
How many hot air balloons are there?
There are over 3,500 balloons and 4,000 licensed pilots in the U.S. There are another 1000 or so balloons in other countries.
What are envelopes made of?
Rip-stop nylon is the most common material. Polyester and other fabrics are sometimes used. The lower portions around the opening are usually made from a fire resistant material like Nomex, similar to what race car drivers and firemen wear.
What fuel do hot air balloons use, and where is it carried?
Propane is used for fuel. It is carried in aluminum or stainless steel tanks that range from 10 to 20 gallons in size. Average fuel consumption is about 15 gallons an hour.
How long do balloons last?
Depending on the care it is given, a balloon envelope may last 500 or more flying hours. Considering that most sport pilots fly from 35-75 hours a year, balloons do last a long time.
What if you have to go to the bathroom?
Pre-planning is the key! Since flights average about an hour or so, pre-planning pays off in this regard. There are no bathrooms aboard the balloon.
What is a balloon basket made of?
Woven wicker is used because it is lightweight, flexible and easily repaired. It also looks nice!
What happens if a bird flies into a balloon?
It would likely bounce off! The envelope fabric is much tougher than it might appear. It is possible to fly a balloon with a hole large enough for a man to go through as long as the hole is not at the top of the envelope.
Are all hot air balloons alike?
All hot air balloons consist of a burner system, a basket and an envelope. The differences are in the shape and size of the envelope, the deflation system, the basket shape and design and the configuration, design, and number of burners.
What are the ropes for?
The crown line on top of the balloon is used to stabilize the balloon during inflation. "Tether lines" are used to tie the balloon down for display purposes. A "drop line" is sometimes released by the pilot just before landing so the ground crew can pull the balloon to a desired location.
Do you need a license to fly a balloon?
Yes. A Balloon Pilot Certificate is issued by the Federal Aviation Administration in the USA. You must pass an FAA written exam, obtain a prescribed number of hours of instruction, make a solo flight, a flight to a specific altitude and pass a flight test. You don't have to be able to fly an airplane since it is a completely different type of aircraft, although many balloon pilots also fly other types of aircraft like airplanes and helicopters.
How old do you have to be to fly a balloon?
To obtain a Private Pilot Certificate in the USA you must be 16 years old. And would you believe that there are balloonists flying in their 80's!
Can balloons fly over mountains?
Yes. However, there are some special problems: If you come down in an area where there are no roads it is difficult to get the balloon out Also, mountain winds are sometimes very turbulent
Tethers are perfect for company picnics, grand openings, parties, special promotions, or what ever the event, we can make it special. We do tether events all year long weather permitting. We will bring our balloon to your site and will attach 4 special made ropes to the balloon to keep us from flying away. We can take 3-4 passengers at a time for about 2-3 minutes each. In a two hour time frame, we can give approximately 50-70 people a quick flight. Use the form below for cost and scheduling.
School Programs
We do school programs all year long depending on the weather. We will bring our balloon to your school and will set it up in a nice grassy spot for everyone to watch. The pilot and crew chief will talk to the students about many subjects including a complete history about balloons, weather, science, and the importance of being drug and alcohol free. Sometimes the students may participate in the deflation and pack up of the balloon. Contact us for cost and scheduling.