About Lutheran Community Services Northwest:
Lutheran Community Services Northwest is a non-profit human services agency serving communities throughout Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Our caring staff provides a wide variety of services to adults, adolescents, children, families, schools, businesses, congregations, neighborhoods and communities. We are privileged to touch the lives of people of all ages, cultures and faiths.
The Resource Center provides 24/7 Crisis Intervention, Supported Employment, Daily Group Activities, Case Management, Daily Life Skills & a Community Room
Our Mission: Lutheran Community Services Northwest partners with individuals, families and communities for health, justice and hope.
LCS of Crook County is a provider for the Oregon Health Plan. A sliding fee scale is available to eligible individuals and families. No client will be denied services based on inability to pay, and discounts are available based on family size and income
Behavioral Health
- Clinical Mental Health
- Life Recovery
- Substance Abuse
- Life Coaching
- Family Stabilization Services
- Problem Gambling Services
Services For Persons With Developmental Disabilities
Violence Intervention And Prevention
Family Community Support
- Parenting Resources
- Parenting Plan Mediation
- Divorced Parent Classes
- Youth Mental Health First Aid Course
Behavioral Health Services
Clinical Mental Health
We understand that life is not easy. We all share the common reality that life is hard and bad stuff happens. Some mental health/emotional needs are the result of foiled relationships, loss of a loved one, trauma or even loss of a job. Other mental health issues are related to our body and the way our mind is configured. Our counselors understand and will help you to assess your need and develop a plan to get your life on track.
For depression, anxiety, and most incapacitating mental illness we provide individual, family, group, medication management, case management and/or home visits to assist and guide participants to their highest level of recovery.Our program bills most insurances, Medicare, Oregon Health Plan, etc. Clients may be offered a sliding fee scale based on monthly income and number of dependents if they reside in Crook County.
Mental Health services provided include:
- Mental health screenings and/or assessments
- Family, group and individual counseling for adults, young adults and children
- Crisis intervention, including 24/7 on-call crisis services
- Psychiatric medication management
- Safe school assessments
- Long term treatment and case management for individuals suffering from a serious and persistent mental illness
- Civil commitment investigations
- PASRR (Pre-admission Screening and Resident Reviews for Nursing Homes)
Life Recovery
Lutheran Community Services Northwest offers three programs to assist adults in integrating into a normal lifestyle. With Turning Point, Prairie House, and Supported Employment programs, we’re trying to provide a continuum of services. We’re fortunate to be very linked to and supported by the community.
LCS Resource Center
LCS Resource Center is open to the community and comprised of Case Managers, Therapists, Supported Employment Specialists and Peer Support Specialists who perform a variety of tasks aimed at working with individuals to realize their full potential while learning new skills and getting the support they need to maintain their stability in the community.This can include outreach to consumer's homes, providing training to increase individual skills in finding: housing, employment, medical services, interpersonal relationships and managing illness. Case management services are available to help individuals get connected to all services and resources they may be interested in and eligible for including: health insurance, social security, food stamps, rental and utility assistance among other services that support healthy daily structure and to increase and maintain their ability to live in the community.
The Resource Center is open daily for both walk in and scheduled appointments and provides group, individual and family therapy as well as education.
Prairie House
Prairie House is a supported housing apartment complex designed to provide long-term independent residency for persons living with a severe and persistent mental illness. Completed in April 2006, the project is the result of a five-year effort by Lutheran Community Services Northwest, Housing Works and Crook County. Specifically developed to serve the needs of low-income adults with mental illness, Prairie House is the first facility of its kind in Crook County.Stable, affordable housing for adults with mental illnesses, combined with support services, has been shown to significantly reduce the need for psychiatric hospitalization, and at a cost of about 1/12 of the cost of hospitalization. Programs like Prairie House have also proved to be a stepping-stone for people to achieve greater independence and self-sufficiency.
Program objectives for Prairie House include:
- Fostering Quality independent living by providing support services
- Promoting the least restrictive environment that is safe and healthy
- Encouraging the highest level of functioning for residents
- Assisting residents with maintaining and improving independent living skills
Supported Employment
Supported employment enhances an individual’s health and self-esteem by helping those with mental health or substance abuse find purpose and meaning through employment. The program is another way we actively partner with other agencies to provide job training and employment assistance. After a process to determine skills, interests and work goals, we use a comprehensive approach that matches the individuals to the most appropriate job. A Supported Employment counselor works in partnership with Vocational Rehabilitation and CORIL (Central Oregon Resources for Independent Living) to help employees find and keep employment.Once a job is found, the employer and employee will have access to our employment professionals who will provide onsite and offsite support for as long as it is needed.
Substance Abuse
We offer a full range of services for those dealing with substance abuse or dependence. We work with those who are tired of addiction controlling their lives. We also provide services to those working through a DUII or involved with drug court.
Substance abuse services include:
- Alcohol and other drug assessment and counseling
- Education classes
- Intensive outpatient treatment
- Women’s treatment
- Men’s treatment
- DUII diversion/conviction evaluation and treatment
- Drug court
- Restricted driving license monitoring
- Crisis intervention and management
- Referrals to outside providers as needed
- Dual diagnosis/medication management
- Anger assessments and counseling (groups)
- Batterer’s intervention program
Life Coaching
Please visit the Life Coaching web site to view the information about this program.
Family Stabilization Services
Our ICTS (Intensive Children’s Treatment Services) Wraparound service targets youth who are at especially high risk of being removed from their homes and community because of their exceptional needs. A care coordinator will partner with families and systems to develop creative, individualized plans using non-traditional resources to allow youth to remain safely in their home and community. It is a value-driven method of working with families and a collaborative, team-based approach to service and support planning.
Wraparound is a definable process that results in a unique set of community services and natural supports that are individualized for a child and family to achieve a positive set of outcomes. The process includes a collaborative partnership between professionals and family members in which the opinions, preferences and expertise of each is valued and respected. The partnership persistently focuses on finding ways for families to maintain success on their own. Wraparound is also an approach that respects the uniqueness of each family.
Problem Gambling Services
Problem gambling addictions impact almost 3% of the population. Our Problem Gambling Services (PGS) target problem gamblers in order to address and understand their addiction as well as have concrete methods to cope with urges to gamble. Services are also available for families of problem gamblers, whether the gambler is involved or not. Services can include individual or group therapy as well as financial planning.
Problem gambling is an often-misunderstood addiction that is not taken seriously until the consequences are challenging for the gambler and his/her family. PGS is an effort to identify and help gamblers prior to these consequences building to a difficult level. Services are individualized with an understanding that each person has their own, unique struggles and needs unique interventions.
Hours: 8:30am-5:00pm M-F (closed from 12:00-1:00)
Evening hours by appointment
Director: Scott Willard
LCS Resource Center
365 NE Court St.Prineville OR 97754