About Mini Flerd Farm:
Mini Flerd Farm was founded in 2011, and is located at 6501 SE Stultz Ln in Prineville. It employs 1 employees and is generating approximately $64,000.00 in annual revenue. Additional information is available by contacting this business at (541) 447-5426.
A Mini Farm with a Flerd running past you - What's a Flerd? a Flock+a Herd is a Flerd
A place where nature and natural meet. Mini Flerd Farm has goats, sheep, a cow and a mini donkey, rabbits, and chickens. We grow food for the Farmer's Market and sell home-crafted Goat's Milk Soap made from farm fresh milk. A quiet secluded hobby (mini) farm in the High Desert of Crook County Oregon. Put a dot in the middle of the state of Oregon and that's us.
To produce a happy friendly flerd environment for both animals and people.
We have kids being born every couple months or so come see if any are for sale. Having lots of milk leads to Goat's Milk Soap. We have rabbits for meat or New Zealand breeding. Eggs are available anytime. We sell produce from the garden in season. Barbados Black Bellly sheep, Shetland Sheep, and a Mediterranean mini-donkey will be born spring to summer 2012. Our cow - Snowcap is only 3 months so maybe at 2012 we can talk cows.
Timeless Red Thyme – Crushed Thyme turns into a red color when made into this essential oil. Throughout the ages from the Egyptians to Greeks, Romans, the Middle Ages and now thyme has been used all around us. Used to purify rooms and at funerals and other ceremonial times thyme was also given to soldiers to give them courage. At night put the Thyme under the pillow and it will stop nightmares and aid your sleep. Among its’ myriad of uses this herb was used as an antiseptic to clean floors and medicate bandages as early as roman times.. Use this Timeless Thyme goat’s milk soap when you want the cleanest feeling from your soap. Small bar (3-4 oz.) $4
Goat Castilian Soap – The softest soap we make, this soap has 3 ingredients, Goat’s Milk, Olive Oil and Sodium Hydroxide the chemical that combines the fats and oils to make soap. Castilian soap is made with water and has no goat’s milk in it. This soap was one of the first “manufactured” soaps. All natural, this soap is for the sensitive skin that wants a creamy soap bar that shouldn’t irritate. Small bar (3-4 oz.) $4
Jasmine – The essential oil of Jasmine is manufactured by harvesting the flowers at night between 6 and 8 as the temperatures lower, that’s when the smell is the strongest. After the flowers are wrapped cotton and soaked in Olive Oil. Jasmine is an elusive evocative hidden in the nights type of soap. Colored with Green Oxide and possessing our goat’s milk, this soap will sooth, relax and you de-stress you and your skin. Large bar (4-6 oz.) $5
Cow Milk Soap – I’m too curious and had to see the difference between cow’s milk and goat’s milk. Cow’s milk soap is whiter and harder – Goat’s Milk soap has more cream which leads to a creamy rather than white color. This is hand-crafted basic soap; no scent, no additives, it's all natural. Large bar (4-6 oz.) $5
Down and Dirty – When you’ve been down in the muck and the mud and need to get the dirt off use our soap made with crushed eggshells from the farm. Scented with lemons and scattered with lemon peels this soap is for the rough and scruff times in your life. Small bar (3-4 oz.) $4
Refreshing Rosemary - Rosemary is translated in Latin to – “Dew of the Sea”. When added to our goat’s milk this rosemary soap will leave your skin feeling refreshed. When the bride of the Middle Ages went to be married her wedding headpiece was made of rosemary….. Rosemary became the scent for lovers. Small bar (3-4 oz.) $4
Nifty Neapolitan – This Goat’s Milk soap has the creamy white soap blended with one side chocolate and the other side strawberry. Have some fun with this soap in the bathroom. Use one flavor or use both – you can be anything you want to be today. Small bar (3-4 oz.) $4
Crazy Cinnamon – Our “red-headed stepchild-to both of us” loves the zany side of life. His choice of soap is made with our Goat’s Milk combined with Cinnamon and Clove herbs and essential oils. Prepare for a wake-up call when this soap touches your skin – but keep it away from your eyes! Small bar (3-4 oz.) $4
Lavender - Luxurious, Lazy, Lovely, Lush. Our Goat's Milk combined with Lavender herb and Essential Oil makes this a creamy hand crafted soap that leaves your skin feeling like your Cleopatra (if your female). Small bar (3 to 4 oz.) $4
Mix and Match for kids soap. Pick your color of basket, color of soap and a scent the kids like and I'll put one of these bath toys inside the soap for them to find as they wash. $5
Jon's Journey Bar - Whether you are out camping, hunting or hiking - this is the bar for you. Made of Citronella, Eucalyptus and Pine Essential Oils with minced oatmeal added for grit this soap will travel everywhere you do. In your pocket, by the stove or on your skin this tiny soap can help keep bugs away. Tiny bars one inch by two inches 50 cents.