About Barnes Butte Elementary School:
Our Mission
Our mission is to help students reach their goals in an environment committed to learning, safety, community, and fun.
Our mission together should be to help students reach their goals in an environment committed to learning, safety, community, and fun. As educators, we believe strongly in an excellent education. That is why we are continually learning more about children and how they learn. We also know the best possible education for a child involves partnerships with parents, so we ask you to take an active role in your child’s education and help us maintain open communication between home and school. We take learning and safety seriously and believe that students can reach high expectations. We expect students to be active in their own learning and responsible for their behavior. We recognize students for achieving high standards and are there to assist others who have difficulty. Parents are encouraged to contact the school whenever questions arise. Please consider the following roles and responsibilities. Let us work together on some very important topics. Meet the needs of all learners.Be positive role models. Hold students to high academic standards.
Hold students to high behavioral standards. Communicate with families. Be responsible. Be respectful. Be safe. Have fun. Set goals. Work hard. Support school rules and policies. Support staff. Be consistent. Have high expectations. Read to your child. Have your child attend regularly.
On Friday, August 21, 2015 the community of Crook County showed their support for the opening of Barnes Butte Elementary. The ceremony opened with the NJROTC group from Crook County High School in the presentation of the flag.
Ribbon Cutting by Jim Bates (Principal), Patti Norris (School Board Vice Chair) and Dr. Duane Yecha (Superintendent)
Doug Smith, School Board Chair
Dr. Duane Yecha, Superintendent
School Board voted to name the new elementary school Monday night at the School Board meeting held in Paulina. The Design Committee, working with input from the community, had recommended three names for the school: Barnes Butte Elementary, Golden Pine Elementary and Highland Rim Elementary. Each option included a recommended mascot and corresponding school colors. The School Board selected the name Barnes Butte Elementary, with the mascot of Badgers and school colors of black and silver. The school will be approximately 73,000 square feet and will incorporate a pod configuration of classrooms which are a grouping of classrooms that surround a central “community” room pod. The idea is to make a 700 student school seem more inviting and family oriented for the students and staff. The seven pods in the school will be named after geological sites, creeks and rivers in Crook County. The upstairs pods will be named Summit Prairie, Grizzly Mountain and Lookout Mountain while the downstairs pods will be called Crooked River, Ochoco Creek, McKay Creek and Beaver Creek. The school will also include a library with computer room, a music room and a full-size gym with a court surface.
School Hours
8:00 am – 2:55 pm
After School
Kids Club
Monday – Friday
3:00- 6:00 PM
Call 541-447-7675 for more information
Mr. Bates - Principal
Email: jim.bates@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Binam - Library/ Media
Email: karen.binam@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Brooks
Email: kristina.brooks@crookcounty.k12.or.us%20
Mrs. Cholin
Mrs. Clark - Library
Email: gale.clark@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Coddington
Email: darlene.coddington@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Cristano
Email: jordyn.cristiano@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Deedon
Email: janelle.deedon@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Durham
Email: denby.durham@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Ms. Fletcher
Email: jody.fletcher@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Ms. Gardunia
Email: pat.gardunia@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Hanson-Brown
Email: lesley.hanson@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mr. Heier - Building Engineer
Email: steve.heier@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Johnson
Email: katie.johnson@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Kudlac
Email: mckenzie.kudlac@crookcounty.k12.or.us%20
Mrs. Nolan
Ms. Papineau
Email: kortni.papineau@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Perrin - Nurse
Email: wendy.perrin@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Ms. Powers
Email: michelle.powers@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Russell - Secretary
Email: tina.russell@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Schultz - Head Secretary
Email: barb.schultz@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Ms. Shockney
Email: malea.shockney@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Sloper
Email: niki.sloper@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Ms. Stack - 4th Grade Teacher
Email: gretchen.stack@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Ms. Toler
Email: shannon.toler@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mrs. Wagner
Email: angelia.wagner@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mr. Weatherman
Mrs. Wiggins
Email: cindy.wiggins@crookcounty.k12.or.us
Mr. Yuma
Email: nathan.yuma@crookcounty.k12.or.us