About Meadow Lakes Golf Course:
Book Tee Times Here
Set on the beautiful desert highlands of sunny Central Oregon, amidst sparkling blue ponds, rock-rimmed buttes and green meadows, Meadow Lakes features a championship course, a beautiful clubhouse, and a friendly staff eager to make your round of golf an extraordinary experience. Meadow Lakes has been featured in the USA Golf Journal and is one of the first-ever recipients of Golf Digest’s National Environmental Leaders Award. Recently, the Bend Bulletin called Meadow Lakes “one of Central Oregon’s best golf values.”
Meadow Lakes has been featured in many national publications, and received the inaugural Golf Digest Environmental Leaders Award. Many other golf courses have been modeled after the project completed by the City of Prineville. Meadow Lakes is an active municipal golf course that has hosted two Oregon Amateur State Championships, including the 1998 Oregon Mid-Amateur Championship. Golfers come from all over to play the golf course that they have read and heard so much about. The challenging and enjoyable layout, designed by Bill Robinson, keeps the golfers coming back. Meadow Lakes truly offers Golf for Everyone!
The Course
Designed by Canada’s premier golf course architect Mr. Bill Robinson, Meadow Lakes Golf Course crosses the beautiful Crooked River 4 times. The terrain is fairly flat, making the course very walkable. As you meander through the rolling mounds, do your best to avoid the 9 ponds and 62 bunkers. Meadow Lakes is a player friendly course with generous fairways, huge greens (6,700 sq. ft. average) and 5 sets of tees. The course plays from 4,858 to 6,783 yards with a course rating from the back tees of 72.1 and a slope of 125.
Meadow Lakes has been host to the 1998 OGA Mid-Amateur Championship, 1999 OGA Public Links Championship and the 2002 OGA Team Championship. It is truly a championship golf course with a fascinating history.
In 1988, the City of Prineville was facing fines of up to $25,000 per day if it did not find a way to dispose of the wastewater that was being dumped into the Crooked River . Since the city did not have enough money to build a new water-treatment center, the EPA suggested spraying the wastewater over a 400 acre alfalfa field.
The mayor, City Manager and City Council decided to build a golf course that would dispose of the wastewater. Meadow Lakes Golf Course is now a fully functional 18-hole championship golf course and waste-water disposal site. The water is disposed of through irrigation and the 10 evaporation ponds that double as water hazards for local golfers. What was initially a huge problem, has turned into a financial and environmental success.
Meadow Lakes has been featured in many national publications, and received the inaugural Golf Digest Environmental Leaders Golf Award. Many other golf courses have been modeled after the project completed by the City of Prineville . Meadow Lakes is an active municipal golf course that has hosted two Oregon Amateur State Championships, including the 1998 Oregon Mid-Amateur Championship. Word has certainly gotten out that this wastewater treatment facility is also a great golf course.
Golfers come from all over the Pacific Northwest to play the golf course that they have read and heard so much about. The challenging and enjoyable layout, designed by Bill Robinson, keeps the golfers coming back. Set on the beautiful desert highlands of sunny Central Oregon , amidst sparkling blue ponds, rock-rimmed buttes and green meadows, Meadow Lakes features a championship course, a beautiful clubhouse, and a friendly staff eager to make your round of golf an extraordinary experience. Meadow Lakes has been featured in the USA Golf Journal and is one of the first-ever recipients of Golf Digest’s National Environmental Leaders Award.
Directions: From Hwy 97, take Hwy 126 East to Prineville. After coming down the Prineville grade, turn right onto Meadow Lakes Drive and follow it all the way to the end.
Meadow Lakes Golf Course offers Men’s, Senior Men’s, and Women’s leagues as well as a weekly Couples ‘Golf and Grub’ during the peak season.
The Men’s League plays 9 Holes on Wednesday evenings and has 1 tournament each month. For more information, see the Men’s Association page on this site.
The Senior Men’s League is for men age 60 and older. This league plays 9 Holes on Tuesday mornings at 9am. For more information, see the Senior League page on this site.
The Ladies of the Lakes women’s league plays 18 Holes on Thursday mornings. For more information, see the Ladies of the Lakes page on this site.
Couples Golf & Grub
The Couples Golf & Grub plays 9 holes on Sunday afternoons during the peak season. You do not have to be a member to participate. Play begins at 3:00 with dinner following golf.
Click here for more information.
Click here to view the 2015 Couples’ Golf & Grub Schedule.
Lessons at Meadow Lakes Golf Course are given by PGA Teaching Professional Vic Martin. With over 50 years experience in the golf industry as a professional, Vic can help you to take your game to the next level. So, whether you’re a first-time player, a junior golfer, or a single-digit handicap, let Vic help you to enjoy the game of golf for the rest of your life.
Meadow Lakes Golf Course Lesson Programs:
- “Quickie” – 10 minute fix for $15
- 1/2 Hour Lesson – $40
- 1 Hour Lesson – $75
- Series of Lessons – six 1/2 hour lessons for $199 (6 for the price of 5)
- Junior Clinics in the summer – $25 per student for a series of four classes
- Group Lessons (3 or more students) – $25 per student for 45 minutes
- Playing Lessons – Rates vary by season
- Swing into Spring Clinics – $5 per clinic (Dates: 4/5, 5/3, and 6/7 from 9am-10:30am)
For more information, or to book a lesson with Vic Martin, call 760-799-1882 or email vmgolf@hotmail.com.
Junior Golf
“Play Golf the Game for a Lifetime”
To provide a safe, healthy, and positive environment for Junior Golfers to learn the game of golf. Golf, like life, rewards those who can overcome adversity and put forth their best effort. Our goal is to grow strong, capable young adults who will move on and become successful in their own lives and be able to contribute back to the society in which they live.
- To expand each golfer’s knowledge of the rules of the game and proper etiquette.
- Proper care of the golf course.
- Correct safety on the golf course.
- Respecting other players’ rights.
- Fundamentals of the golf swing.
- Learning to deal with adversity.
- Provide fun and friendship in a healthy environment.
- To encourage and motivate all interested junior golfers to take their golf games to a higher level.
The first Junior Clinic of 2015 will begin on June 30th at 9am. The program will be every Tuesday, from 9am – 11am (times may vary depending on the number of participants), for 4 consecutive weeks (6/30, 7/7, 7/14, and 7/21).
The cost is $25.00 per Junior, and is payable to the golf shop. Advanced sign-up and payment is required. We will accept sign-ups until the first Clinic is full. A second Junior Clinic will take place later in the summer, dates are still T.B.D.
Meadow Lakes PGA Teaching Professional Vic Martin will be the lead instructor for the Junior Clinic. He will be assisted by Head Professional Zach Lampert as well as additional Golf Shop Staff and volunteer instructors.
Please see the below information to determine if your child is Junior Golf Ready.
“Junior Golf Ready” Evaluation
Most children are ready to participate in an organized program at about the age of six (6). However, “readiness” varies widely from one child to the next. To help assess your child’s readiness, please answer the following questions for yourself:
- Is your child showing a genuine interest in golf?
- Will your child’s attention span be long enough to listen to brief instruction and lessons with the professional staff?
- Is your child patient enough to wait his/her turn?
- Has your child developed enough strength to swing a golf club and carry his/her own equipment?