About Twisted Thread Creations:
Pictures of products/services will be updated as I am always making/offering different items for your consideration.
Snowmen party favors.: Yes I am thinking snow and ahead to the parties during the holiday season. I have Hershey kisses in these but you can add any kind of individually wrapped candy for your guests to take home to enjoy later or enjoy during the party and don't forget the office and your co-workers. There are 12 snowmen in a package with instructions on how to put together. Very easy,these 4 took less than 10 minutes to fill and finish off with a ribbon scarf. Cost $8 (candy not included). Colors of ribbons will vary.
Bear: Got a text the other night from Daleena and she wanted to order a Keepsake Bear. So here is the finished product. Dexter bear will soon be going to his forever home. Thanks dear for the order.
Pillows: Here are just a few of the travel pillows and pillow cases sister Pat and I made in the last two days. We did not have room on the cutting table to display all of them so we just grabbed a few: front to back beavers, light blue with baby print, cats and breast cancer. These are going to be at the 4th of July show in Madras. These pillows are also great after surgery when the dr wants you to 'cough'! There will be pillowcases for all ages. Summer is here and with these pillows in the car on that trip the kids (and adults) will have a soft place to lay their head.